Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Food for Junior

So my friend Jennifer had a baby shower, Sunday. It's her first baby, first grand-baby, so you know it was good and sister got all the bells & whistles that first babies and grand-babies bring. :)  She got the usual stroller and carseat, and oodles of adorable baby girl clothes. However, there was one thing girlfriend got that I had never seen. Much like it's parents (Magic Bullet), it's called Baby Bullet and it's to make your own baby food.

Let me set the stage just a tad. I was intrigued by BB (Baby Bullet), because I make my own baby food and have since the twins were babies-- not at all because I think I'm "all that", not because I am trying to be Martha Stewart, Wonder Woman, or anybody else, and definitely not because I'm afraid of something that's put into commercially sold baby food. IT'S BECAUSE I'M CHEAP, PEOPLE! Thrifty doesn't even describe the level of cheapness to which I'm willing to stoop. We've discussed my uber-cheapness before! :) I did it because it cost so much to feed 2 babies store-bought baby food and, at the time, we were living on 1 income.

Very simply, this is the plan I have always used for making baby food: make what the rest of the family is eating. For instance, recently we had steamed carrots for dinner. I tossed several extras in and when they were cooked and the water had cooled somewhat, I took them out and put them in the blender with some of the water and pureed them. If they're too thick, add more water-- just be careful not to add too much, or they'll be runny. When I'm finished, I pour them into ice cube trays and pop them in the freezer. Once frozen, I take them out of the ice cube trays and put them in a labeled freezer bag.

                        photo credit

Did you know about 2 cubes is a small jar of baby food? So just like that, I've made baby food for Quatro that will last several meals.

I think that's why I was so drawn to BB, because everything is included, if you don't already have a blender and ice cube trays. Not that I'm suggesting someone spend $100, just to make baby food (not to mention, if you're couponing, there's no possible way you'll spend the $70 the commercial suggests on store-bought baby food). We already had a blender and I think I spent a dollar on 4 plastic ice cube trays at Dollar General.

If you're intrigued and want more information, you can probably find it here, or checkout books from your local library on the topic. Next time, we'll talk about what we had for dinner a couple of nights ago (including Quatro) and I'll give you the recipe. Happy Wednesday, friends!

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