Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine's Rant

Not taking any kind of history lesson into account, there was a time when I considered Valentine's Day to be on equal footing as other major holidays. Commercials and movies had me convinced that if my sweetie gave me a card and it wasn't Hallmark, then "they" didn't care enough "to send the very best". I was also under the delusion that if Valentine's Day wasn't punctuated with jewelry or flowers (at the very least), then the day was absolutely shot.

Somewhere along the way, I've realized that it really is a commercialized day, which should make Financial Guy extremely happy. Does this mean I'm not a sappy romantic? Absolutely not and if Financial Guy showed up with flowers and jewelry, well, you should probably just cue Al Green. :) However, you'd still just better produce a card announcing your undying love, dude! I'm kidding. Well, sort of. :)

For the last several years, we have gotten valentine cards for the kids' school parties at the dollar tree-- they've been popular characters & everything! This year however, our local dollar tree was selling boxes of 12 valentine cards and they really weren't even that cute. What's that about? Who has a class of 12, outside of preschool? My private school friends, now is not the time to start waiving your flags and gloating. :)

Between basketball games on Saturday, one of the twins (thing 2) and I went to Walmart. On a total whim, I walked by the valentine section. Low & behold, they have boxes of 32 for 97 cents! Woot! Granted, they aren't character themed, but they still serve the purpose and are actually kinda cute!

I'm all about making valentines & having really cutesy ones, but come on... I work, I have oodawazillion kids, and try to have some semblance of a life. Sorry Pinterest, although you offer some very cute ideas, you'll have to sit this one out. My poor, pitiful kids will be taking their 3 cent each valentines complete with last Halloween's blowpops taped to them for the parties and I will go on living.

Hats off to my friend Rachel who just completed 70 homemade valentines and a card holder, (no) thanks to Pinterest. :) If my kids are lucky, the day after Valentine's, we may go to Walmart & buy clearanced cards for next year. Because after all, once all those precious children get home with their darling cards, if their moms are half as mean as me, they'll eventually end up in the trash. There. I feel better. Happy cheap Valentine's Day & save on friends!


  1. Very soon your kids won't want to take Valentines anyway! Oldest, no valentines, number 2, valentines with a "good" candy ($3/24!), and the younger 2 got the Pinterest inspired valentines. What kind of Catholic mother would I be if I didn't send a special St. Valentines card for my younger and more impressionable kiddos? None of the store bought ones say "Happy Saint Valentines Day". For Shame candy companies, for shame!

  2. Hallelujah for middle school!! (You don't hear that very often!!) No mention of the holiday, treats, cards, card holders, etc!!!!!! WOOT ! WOOT! Valium should be distrubuted by TEA before we walk into the building tomorrow.....;)
    -Wendi C.
