Wednesday, January 25, 2012

This Is How We Do It

If you haven't noticed, from time to time my posts will have themes that are also song titles. I'm a huge music fan, so that's what usually pops into my feeble mind. After reading today's title, I can just envision my BFF, palms up, arms outstretched, swirling them in a clockwise circle, eyes closed, singing every word to this song. Hopefully, my posts won't ever be titled Bust a Move or she might break her arm... again... Bless her heart. Love you, friend! :)

Last time, we talked about getting your coupons organized, in whatever fashion works for you. My friend Vickie probably said it best when she said you have to use what works best for you, or you won't use it! This time, we're going to talk about compiling your coupon stash.

Let me begin by saying if you're trying to save money by using coupons, then try your very best to not spend money on the coupons. I'm sure I'm not that much different from you, when I say I have friends and family members that never, ever use coupons. I know others with the best of intentions, but cutting them out is about as far as they get with them, then they just roll around on the floorboard of the car or get wadded up in the bottom of their purses until they expire, so they don't even bother anymore. I started first with these types of people, asking them to save their coupons for me. Then, I branched out and as I saw other people cutting them out, I'd say things like, "when you're finished with those, if you have some you don't use, please save them for me. I'd love to go through them." It wasn't until recently that I started purchasing a Sunday paper-- and I don't even do it every Sunday, because the paper isn't delivered out here to the boonies.

If you're trying to save money, here's where you need to start paying attention. Newsflash: Not everything in the current week's coupons is going to be on sale for the lowest price this week, whether you use coupons or not. Sometimes it is, sometimes it's not for a few weeks. My friend Susan, who obviously has more patience than me, kept watch over the sales ad for several weeks and noticed that "most times there is about a 3 week window, from the time coupons come out, until things are on sale at their lowest sale price." Uh-huh... told you she had more patience than me, if she's figuring that stuff out. You go, girl! :)

Before I started couponing seriously, I only cut out the coupons for items my family used on a regular basis. We didn't purchase name brand cereal, so there was no need to cut those out. However, once my friend Sandra convinced me to cut them all out, if I even thought there was a snowball's chance in a very hot place that I'd use them, I started paying more attention. Every week, Publix has buy one get one free (BOGO) offers. If you don't live near a Publix, Kroger is actually starting to do the same thing, sometimes. Also, drugstores like CVS and Rite-Aid run deals where they give you money back (toward your next purchase-- this is called a catalina) at the register. By paying attention to these sales and not being brand loyal, I promise you're going to save money-- you just have to be patient.

Do I ever throw out unused, expired coupons? Absolutely! I probably toss out more than most people even cut out! So why cut them out in the first place? In the off chance that I might use them. Some of my girlfriends use a coupon swap and pass their leftovers on to each other. Just because you don't use something, doesn't mean someone else might not.

The point of all this is, if you can keep from it, don't buy the paper just to get the coupons, if you're just getting started. Let your peeps know you want them. They'll probably be happy to get rid of them and as you get better about using them, you can laugh all the way to the bank. Have a great Wednesday and save on, friends! :)

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