Monday, July 18, 2011

Saving Money and Being Patriotic

Was it a jam-packed weekend? Feeling the need to eat out tonight? Taking the kiddos? Chili's is offering a Kids Eat Free Monday. That's my kind of deal!

Are you sharing? I know your mom taught you to play well with others, so be sure to share your coupons!
Do you know military families can use expired coups? I knew this, but it took some reminding from my friend Meggan. When you have coupons you aren't going to use and have already circulated them with your friends, pass them on to military families! Go here to see the military bases that you can adopt. On this same site, there's a FAQ page. In my opinion, the best way to go about this is for people from the same work place, church, or school to mail these together in one bundle.

Are you checking for coupons? I have a habit of checking the paper, as well as several websites for coupons. However, I sometimes forget that Rite Aid has video coupons! When you watch them, you can earn coupons. These aren't exclusive to Rite Aid, as many are manufacturer's coups and can be used anywhere. Watch some videos!

Having moved past my aversion to starting a new school year (because, like it or not, it's going to happen), if you're an educator, check out Teacher's Day at Staples here. If you've gotta go, you might as well save some dough. :)

Happy Monday! Save on, friends! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Steph- Where are you getting that today kids eat free at Chili's? My email says tomorrow. :(
