Thursday, June 23, 2011

Get Your Tow Mater Runnin'

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You know you've got a Publix shopping problem, when your kid writes on their Mother's Day questionnaire under the question "Where is your mom's favorite place to shop? Publix" and "What does your mom get excited about? The penny item at Publix". Touche kids... now load up. It's time to make a Publix run. :)

Yesterday, the penny item was apple juice (if you don't know what I mean by "penny item", go here). However, many times when you go late in the day, they are either out or have changed the penny item. We didn't go til last night and it had been changed to Peter Pan peanut butter. With as fast as we use it, I'm still good with that. Here's my haul:

Total Spent: $41.40  Total Saved: $75.28. If you've been with me for a while, you'll know I'm very much into having your total number of items equal the total amount spent-- or less. Yesterday, I was close, but no cigars... got 39 items, spent $41. Drat!! :)

You're probably thinking, "Dude, they're all about some Nutri-Grain bars." Yeah, we like them, but I was mainly looking for this

From now until June 30, you can register the codes on specially marked boxes of Kellogg's items. 4 codes earns you either $5 concession stand cash at the movies or $5 gas. Sooo, to make a long story longer, if you subtract the $15 in concession cash we've earned from Kellogg's products from the $41 total, our actual out of pocket cost is a mere $26.40. Woot! If you took advantage of the Living Social 2 for $9 movie ticket deal a couple of weeks ago, combine that with the concession cash (thank you, Mater) and you're set for a cheap date... kids or not! :)

July 8th is Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-fil-A. Dress up like a cow and you will receive a FREE Chick-fil-A meal. (We personally have never done this, but plan to do it this year. However, my BFF's entire family does it every year. I would show you her pics, but she'd probably beat me with that paper, cow tail of hers.) A partial costume receives a FREE entree. Not sure how to make a cow costume? You can download one here FREE!

Happy Thursday, everybody! Save on, friends! :)

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